Will I be charged for customs and taxes?
The prices displayed on our website are tax-free, which means you may be liable to pay duties and taxes once you receive your order. Import taxes, duties, and related customs fees may be charged once your order arrives at its final destination, all of which is determined by your local customs office. Payment of these charges and taxes is the responsibility of the customer and will not be covered by JEEHOODCover. JEEHOODCover is not responsible for any delays caused by the customs department in the destination country. For more information about these types of charges, please contact your local customs office.

Do you add VAT tax, sales tax, or any other additional charges to order totals?
No, we do not add any sales tax or hidden charges to any JEEHOODCover orders. The order total you see, to be paid to JEEHOODCover, includes only the price of the goods ordered and any shipping fees. However, please note that you may be charged taxes by your local customs department when importing goods. Please consult with your local customs office in advance to avoid any unexpected fees or delays.

How do you deal with customs issues when they arise? What happens if my order is stuck at customs?
JEEHOODCover has customers in countries all over the world, and we typically have no issue getting our orders through customs. However, we can not 100% guarantee that your local customs office won’t hold your packages, since customs policies in any given country may change. That being said, if your order gets held up at customs, we will do everything in our power to assist. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your JEEHOODCover sales manager for help.

What documents do you provide to assist with customs clearance?
We provide a commercial invoice with every shipment, which should prove helpful for the customs clearance process. If you have any special requests for your invoice, or need any additional documentation, please feel free to contact us.

I have not received my order because it has been blocked by customs. I would like a refund.
We’re sorry to hear that your order has not made it through customs. As we state clearly on our website, customers are responsible for their order’s customs clearance in the destination country. We are not familiar with the customs policies of every country, so we cannot assume responsibility if an order is blocked by your local customs department. That being said, we are never happy when a customer’s order does not go as planned.

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